This event is part of Project Bee.
“For bees, the flower is the fountain of life. For flowers, the bee is the messenger of love.”
1 part beekeeping + 1 part gardening = happy pollinators!
Come inside the 9th Meadow Apiary to learn about honey bees and beekeeping. The morning will be a crash course in beekeeping which will include topics such as honey bee life cycle, bee behaviour, pests and resiliency, and more. We’ll take a hands-on tour of the apiary including opening up the hives to check on hive health and activity. Equipment will be provided.
Take an in depth tour of the Wintergreen gardens. The afternoon will see participants learning about planning a pollinator garden, including the benefits of both native and introduced plants, the diversity of flowering species that bloom throughout the growing season, and, possibly most the valuable lesson, the importance of patience, observation, and adaptation as the natural world deals with the changing climate.
ALEX PEDERSEN is an avid beekeeper and the president of the Limestone Beekeeper’s Guild. She took courses in apiculture at the University of Guelph’s Honeybee Research Centre as an undergrad student. Today, she and her partner keep hives north of Kingston to collect honey and other hive byproducts. Alex loves to talk about bees, honey, and the importance of pollinators for food production and environmental sustainability.
RENA UPITIS is the Founding President of Wintergreen Studios and a mixed media artist, musician, teacher, and timber frame carpenter. She has planned and managed the Wintergreen gardens (both flower and vegetable) for many years to produce bountiful blooms throughout the growing season in support of both wild and domestic pollinators.
$30 + HST which includes morning instruction (beekeeping), gourmet lunch, and afternoon instruction (pollinator gardens).
If purchasing a ticket for more than 1 person, please enter the number of tickets required as the “Quantity” and you will be charged accordingly.